First Presbyterian Church of Port Huron - December 26, 2021 - Lessons And Carols
First Presbyterian Church of Port Huron, Michigan December 26, 2021 - First Sunday of Christmas Let Us Prepare Our Hearts and Minds for Worship. 0:00 Prelude 1:28 Welcome and Announcements 7:31 Call to Worship 8:11 Opening Hymn: "O Come All Ye Faithful" 11:11 Call to Confession 11:24 Prayer of Confession 12:20 Words of Forgiveness 13:32 Children's Message & Brass Ensemble introduction 18:00 ** LESSONS AND CAROLS ** 18:31 The First Nowell 23:51 Once in Royal David's City 27:05 Away In A Manger 30:41 Angels We Have Heard on High 36:12 Silent Night 40:00 Gentle Mary Laid Her Child 43:52 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 47:52 Go, Tell It On The Mountain 52:10 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice 56:11 Prayers of the People 1:06:00 Closing Hymn, Joy To The World 1:08:32 Benediction 1:09:33 Postlude CCLI License: 11077674