Today's Catholic Gospel Reading & Mass Reflection - Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Today's Gospel Reading & Gospel Reflection - Tuesday, November 7, 2023 ( Mass Readings) - Catholic Gospel Reading and Mass Reflection Tuesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time 1st Reading Romans 12:5-16AB Responsorial Psalm Psalms 131:1BCDE, 2, 3 The Acclamation Matthew 11:28 Gospel Luke 14:15-24 Today’s Reflection on the Readings My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, today’s Gospel Reading from Luke 14:15-24 teaches us that God's love, like a generous banquet, is for all. But many make excuses. People don't accept God's generous gift, because money, responsibilities, and relationships often stand in the way. Many of us who are fortunate to live in places with freedom and democracy take them for granted. My dear friends, We approach freedom with a tendency towards entitlement, believing that we are entitled to certain things and that they are ours by right. However, a great cost has been incurred to ensure our liberty and democracy. Naturally, a much higher cost has been incurred to grant us spiritual blessings. It is not something we are entitled to, but rather a gift from God's kindness and grace to be invited to receive God's salvation and everything that goes with it. My dear family of Mother Mary’s Protection, Ignoring God's grace and delaying our full response to his offer of salvation amounts to both inviting disaster and insulting the One who endured such a great cost to grant us this opportunity for redemption. Please, if you have been delaying giving yourself over completely to Christ as Lord, accept God's invitation and act upon it right now! Prayer Father, forgive me for putting off serving you with all of my passion and zeal. May the love I have for you inspire me to act upon every chance I get. Amen. I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace, joy, and faithful friendship in your life and with your family. Join our community, share your thoughts, and find solace and strength in the loving protection of Mother Mary. Subscribe now and embark on a spiritual journey with us. / mothermarysprotection Please comment below on your prayers and needs. We will pray for you. gospel reading for today, gospel reading for today catholic, gospel reading for today with reflection, gospel reading for today english, gospel reading reflection tomorrow, today gospel reading catholic, gospel reading tomorrow, gospel reading for tomorrow, daily gospel reading, gospel reading for today with reflection, gospel reading and reflection today, gospel reading yesterday, gospel reflection, gospel reflection today, gospel reflection of tomorrow, gospel reflection for tomorrow, daily gospel reflection, tomorrow gospel reflection for meditation, catholic gospel reflection for tomorrow, gospel reflection for tuesday, today's gospel reading and reflection 2023 --------------------------------------------------------- #GospelReadingforToday #TodayGospelReading #GospelReflectionToday #GospelReadingforTodayCatholic #GospelReadingforTodaywithReflection #MotherMarysProtection