What Can Cause Greying Out or Fainting in CCI Patients?

What Can Cause Greying Out or Fainting in CCI Patients?

What Can Cause Greying Out or Fainting in CCI Patients? - Dr. Centeno reviews what can cause greying-out episodes or fainting in CCI patients. He also answers patient questions. For More Content Like This, Subscribe To Our Channel With One Click: https://www.youtube.com/centenohome?s... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow us on Facebook to keep up with Dr. Centeno's live series, "You've Got the Power!"   / centenoschultzclinic   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To learn more, go to the following sites: Centeno-Schultz Clinic...https://centenoschultz.com/ Regenexx........................https://regenexx.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Centeno-Schultz Clinic 403 Summit Blvd Suite 201 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-429-6448 #centenoschultzclinic #regenexx #picl #covid-19 #cci #craniocervicalinstability ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Cervical Disc Replacement Movement vs Normal Disc"    • Cervical Disc Replacement Movement vs...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~