"Just Enough" I Minister Deja Wilson I November 17, 2024

"Just Enough" I Minister Deja Wilson I November 17, 2024

Alfred Street Baptist Church In-Person Worship Experience | November 17, 2024 Alfred Street Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Pastor http://www.alfredstreet.org If you need prayer contact the Intercessory Prayer Ministry at: [email protected] Your generosity makes our ministries possible, helping fulfill our mission to build disciples who win the world for Jesus Christ. http://www.alfredstreet.org/stewardsh...   / alfredstreetbc     / alfredstreetbc     / alfredstreet.  . https://alfredstreetbc.podbean.com/ Facebook You must log in to continue. Log into Facebook. Log In www.facebook.com Alfred Street Baptist Church | a podcast by AlfredstreetBC Alfred Street Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, Pastor. alfredstreetbc.podbean.com 0:00 - Pre-worship Broadcast, The Prelude 1803 Horns 9:53 - Selection, "Awesome God" 16:40 - Selection, "I Love to Tell the Story" Praise and Worship 23:08 - Selection, "Church Medley" 27:39 - Call to Worship 28:33- Scripture, Joshua 24:14-15 29:23 - Prayer 32:01- Hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy" 37:03 - Passing the Peace 39:09 - Welcome and Communion 39:39- Visitor, Birthday (Special Nonagenarian Recognition), and Wedding Anniversary Recognition 47:43 - Time of Giving, Pastoral Announcements, and Introduction of Preacher 52:50 - Sermonic Selection, "A Joyful Noise" 1:00:34 - Sermon, "Just Enough" | Minister Deja Wilson 1:24:18 - Invitation to Discipleship, Closing Song, and Benediction