[KPOP IN PUBLIC] VIVIZ(비비지) - "BOP BOP!" Dance Cover by D.UNIVERSE from Macau

[KPOP IN PUBLIC] VIVIZ(비비지) - "BOP BOP!" Dance Cover by D.UNIVERSE from Macau

#VIVIZ #비비지 #BOPBOP BOP BOP! Just feel the music BOP BOP! That is right! 新鮮出道嘅VIVIZ 推出佢地嘅出道歌曲🫧復古Disco風 BOP BOP令到我地都陷入循環播歌嘅困境呀🪩 今次嘅服裝成員們都高度還原加親手DIY佢整架🙈 請大家多多支持下一喇💗 Hello everyone! This is our 15th k-pop dance cover VIVIZ’s “BOPBOP!”. Hope you guys like our cover and don’t forget to like, subscribe! Lastly, thank you for your support💞 Dancers (with IG) Eunha - Leom (  / moonuell  ) SinB - Winnie (  / 112tly  ) Umji - LCT (  / lct_031221  ) Credits (with IG) 🧠Project leader // @moonuell 🎥Videographer // @chu__chon & @lorrraineee_ 🎨Editor // @moonuell ✨Special thanks // @julida0330 🎵Music belongs to // @viviz_official Our instagram // @d.universemo (  / d.universemo  )