Day of eating while working a 9-5 job

Day of eating while working a 9-5 job

HOW I EAT 2600 CALORIES IN A DAY πŸ₯ͺ Now that I’ve finished up my Rapid Fat Loss phase I’m back to eating my maintenance. We’re taking this period to reset and grow a little before we begin another drop πŸ’ͺ🏼 But for now, I’m reunited with my chips and ice cream πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ My protocols are: 2600 cals 325c / 50f / 220p 10k steps per day - BTW that golden ice cream protein is bomb af and you should try it (with my code πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰) @musclenation : CODE - LEE - #explorepage #explore #foods #dayofeating #fulldayofeating #fdoe #doe #caloriedeficit #rfl #dieting #fitness #whatieatinaday #growingseason #lowcalorie #lowcaloriemeals #dayinalife #mydiary #gymmotivation #foodideas #iifym #compprep #bodybuilding #bodybuildingdiet #competitiondiet #physique #bodybuildingmotivation #gymtok