Using A Tuna Can to Measure Lawn Watering Time: A DIY Guide
If you're not sure how long you are supposed to water. Use a tuna can to measure how much water it takes to water in 1 inch. Rule is 1-1.5 inches of water once per week and water on your designated allowed watering days per your city. You can use a orbit sprinkler, a tripod sprinkler, and many others. For larger lawns, make sure to time how long it takes to fill the tuna can for those areas. Remember this should only be for just this one time, once you know your time zones, you won't need the tuna cans anymore. This is just to help you understand your time zones on your property. This is only for active growing season times, so if your grass is not growing, don't water. Thanks for watching, thumbs up, sub, and hit the bell.