Consecration Sunday-10/6/2024 | 10AM | Holy Communion Worship Service | Bishop Chambers, Sr. | COGOP
Welcome to the Church of God of Prophecy! Thank You For Tuning In! Senior Pastor: Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. Associate Pastor: Reverend Errol Brown Pastor Spencer Maitland Please Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel - "The Jerusalem Avenue Church of God of Prophecy" - Hempstead, so we can promote the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! / @churchofgodofprophecyhempstead https://linktr.ee/qr/301851d5-aa02-45... SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!! Greetings to our Special Guests We take great joy in welcoming you to our service. Having you is quite an honor. Please join with us in worship and praise to Jesus Christ the Savior of all mankind. Our prayer is that through the songs and the preached word, you will be able to take home something that will help you through the course of this upcoming week. Again, thank you for visiting. We stand ready to assist and minister to you and your family. OUR OBJECTIVES: In order to accomplish our mission, we will pursue four primary objectives: to worship God, evangelize the lost, equip believers, and prepare for Christ’s return. OUR COMMITMENTS WE WILL WORSHIP GOD WITH ALL OUR BEING, BY: Acknowledging Him as Sovereign of all creation Submitting to the head ship of Christ over the Church, Practicing fervent, Spirit-led corporate worship Allowing the full manifestation of spiritual gifts in our lives Modeling personal worship through sacrificial living. ****We Do Not Own The Copy Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast**** Standard YouTube License Provided by YouTube! #javevirtualexperience #10AM #sunday #moreviews #virtualworshipexperience #virtualworshipservice #virtual #hempstead #sundayworship #javecogoptv #jave #cogop #tv #churchofgodofprophecy #churchofgod #virtual #church #live #worship Consecration Sunday - October 6, 2024 | 10AM | JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE | Church of God of Prophecy - Hempstead CHAPTERS | TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Welcome To The Church of God of Prophecy - Hempstead! 2:00 Welcome To The JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENECE! 3:00 UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS🚨 4:04 OUR MISSION: ⦾WORSHIP GOD ⦾EVANGELIZE THE LOST ⦾EQUIP BELIEVERS FOR CHRISTS 14:08 PRAISE & WORSHIP 14:10 Praise & Worship Led By: Sis. Jillian 14:00 Worship Song: "Bless The Lord" Song By Tye Tribbett 15:00 Worship Song: "Bless The Lord" Song By Andrae Crouch 21:20 Worship Song: "Take My Life (Holiness)" Song by Micah Stampley 28:00 Worship Song: "Caribbean Medley" Song by Donnie McClurkin JAVE COGOP WORSHIP TEAM 37:10 MODERATOR: Pastor Reverend Errol Brown (Associate Pastor) 40:00 MORNING'S SCRIPTURE VERSE: 00:00 INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The Power of Prayer for the Sick and Other Needs; COGOP Ministrial Body 52:50 PUBLIC RELATIONS: UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS🚨 55:00 TITHES & OFFERING GIVE TODAY: Ways To Give: If you are interested in giving, or providing an online donation to the Ministry. Please go to our Church website: https://cogophempstead.org/giving/ or you can Text the Word "Give" to 844-990-1535. 1:00:00 Worship Song: " We’ve Got The Vict’ry" By (Gospel Chorus) 1:05:16 Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. (Senior Pastor) 2:00:00 SPEAKER: Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. (Senior Pastor) 1:10:00 SCRIPTURE: Mark 9:14-25 (King James Version) 1:25:00 OPENING SERMON PRAYER; Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. (Senior Pastor) 1:15:00 SERMON TOPIC: "LORD I BELIEVE" 2:00:00 CLOSING SERMON 2:00:00 AN INVITATION TO RECIEVE CHRIST? (⦾ EQUIP BELIEVERS FOR CHRISTS RETURN) 2:53:55 ALTAR CALL: 3:04:28 (Outro) Thanks For Tuning In To JAVE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE! OUR MISSION: The Mission of the Church of God of Prophecy is to bear witness for Christ and His truth and to spread the gospel of the Kingdom in all its fullness and power, so that the truth of God is brought about in the hearts of men. Email: [email protected] Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621 ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Artist: Todd Dulaney Album: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Licensed to YouTube by; Entertainment One U.S., LP (on behalf of eOne Music); BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor, and 5 Music Rights Societies ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Follow Us! JAVE COGOP Social Media: Facebook: / church-of-go...cogophempstead.org https://linktr.ee/JAVECOGOPHEMPSTEAD Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621