Very cool tool - HVAC schrader core changer
You may get Deja-vu from this video, as it's the full length (and horizontal) version of an earlier short. Because China has a huge infrastructure, there are some very cool tools available cheaply from online sites like eBay. This is one of them. It's a schrader valve core changer, but is designed to change the cores under pressure/vacuum in active refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Note that this tool is not intended for changing schrader inserts on car tyres/tires. I'm not sure what size of port they use. This tool accommodates 1/4" and 5/16" valves. The extra side port is for extra functionality, including pulling vacuum or injecting refrigerant with the core removed for speed. Supporting the channel with a dollar or two on Patreon helps keep it independent of YouTube's quirks, avoids intrusive mid-video adverts, gives early access, bonus footage and regular quiet Patreon live streams. / bigclive #ElectronicsCreators