People Share Strange Experiences They've Had That They Can't Explain Rationally | Askreddit Scary

People Share Strange Experiences They've Had That They Can't Explain Rationally | Askreddit Scary

Hi guys, welcome to the channel. In this episode, we're gonna hear people who has anything strange happened to them that they cannot explain it rationally share what happened (compilation). So, are you ready to hear some true scary stories that told in the rain? Then take your comfortable position and let the story begin! :) Find us on Social Media: Twitter:   / mrgrimed   Facebook:   / mrgrimed   If you think we used your story without permission and want it to get removed, please kindly contact us on Reddit:   / redditstories_yt   Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed the video, hit like, If you would like to see more, feel free to subscribe! #MrGrimed #askredditscary #scarystories #scarystoriesintherain #scaryaskreddit #redditscarystories #truescarystories #bedtimestories #rainstories #ASMR