Catholic Sunday Mass Online - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (24 Sep 2023)
Mass Celebrated by Fr Adrian Yeo at the Church of the Holy Family PARTICIPATION OF MASSES THROUGH MEDIA Broadcasts of Masses via the Internet help Catholics to pray and is especially useful for with those who are home-bound, sick or cannot be at Mass for valid reasons. "... those who hear or view these broadcasts should be aware that, under normal circumstances, they do not fulfill the obligation of attending Mass. Visual images can represent reality, but they do not actually reproduce it.(177) While it is most praiseworthy that the elderly and the sick participate in Sunday Mass through radio and television, the same cannot be said of those who think that such broadcasts dispense them from going to church and sharing in the eucharistic assembly in the living Church." (57. SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS. Pope BENEDICT XVI) The Catholic Mass today is celebrated all around the world. Here in Singapore, we are pleased to provide online, daily Catholic Mass live or recorded in English to all Catholics and anyone interested in the Catholic faith. During Catholic Masses, it is not uncommon to hear a homily about Catholic teachings and Catholic answers to life’s questions. The Holy Mass is beautiful and stems from Jesus. Expect Catholic prayers, Catholic hymns (Christian songs) that come from 2000 years of tradition and practice. All are welcome. ► MASS READINGS • First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9 • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:2-3,8-9,17-18 ("The Lord is close to all who call him.") • Second Reading: Philippians 1:20-24,27 • Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16 Current day's readings are accessible at • Website - https://www.catholic.sg/mass-readings • Mobile App - https://app.catholic.sg/ Order of the Mass - https://www.catholic.sg/visit-mass/th... ► OFFERTORY/CONTRIBUTIONS: Support your Parish, Catholic Foundation and other Charities: https://www.catholic.sg/offertory Support the production of our media content: https://www.catholic.sg/supportmedia International donors: https://www.catholicfoundation.sg/intl ► SUBSCRIBE ABOVE And remember to tap on the golden bell icon to be alerted for new videos ► THE CATHOLIC FAITH (RCIA in Singapore): • For those who are seeking: https://www.catholic.sg/seek • For Catholics who want to share: https://www.catholic.sg/share ► MORE INFORMATION • Production and Webcasting by collaborators, staff and volunteers of the Communications Office, Archbishop's Office, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore • Connect with the Archdiocese - https://www.catholic.sg/our-channels/ #catholicmasstoday #catholicmass #catholicwebcast #catholiclivestream #catholicprayers #catholiclive #Jesus #catholic #catholicsg #proud2bcatholic #sundaymass N.B. This video may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission from the Archbishop’s Communications Office. This includes extracts, quotations or summaries.