5 Tips To Instantly Improve In Bloodstrike

5 Tips To Instantly Improve In Bloodstrike

In today's video I give you 5 tips on how to improve in Bloodstrike Fast and effectively. This guide will cover topics like: how to imrpove aim, movement guide, how to win more. Make sure you follow the timestamps for the exact topics and I really hope it helps you out! 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Tip 1: Playstyle & Loadout 02:18 - Tip 2: Aim & Movement 08:26 - Tip 3: Positioning 10:10 - Tip 4: Using Utility 12:10 - Tip 5: 3rd Partied & Fighting 14:20 - Outro   / lythes_yt     / lythes     / discord     / lythes_yt     / lythes_yt   Business Inquiries: [email protected] 🔥 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more videos and livestreams! Can't see the sub button? Just click this link :    / @lythes   🏷️: Blood Strike High kills, Blood Strike gameplay , Bloodstrike 240 FPS Ultra Settings, Tips and Tricks #BloodStrike #PaydayRumble #bloodstrikepc #bloodstrikemobile