11.00 am Solemn Mass - Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta 17 July

11.00 am Solemn Mass - Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta 17 July

Celebrant: Reverend Christopher Del Rosario Deacon Matthew Dimian Liturgy Guide download https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aj9JakmVS0algeNRC... Music: St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir is directed by Bernard Kirkpatrick KSS, assisted by Eric Grella Organ Scholar: Patrick Newman The music selections for today are, Mass for five voices (K, G, A) - Byrd A Community Mass (S) - Proulx O God, unseen yet ever near - Tallis Communion: Optimam partem (Luke 10:42) Hymns: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (LOBE DEN HERREN) As we gather at your table (MISNEACH) _______________________________ Solemn Sung Catholic High Mass 11am Sunday with St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir, featuring traditional & contemporary hymns, sacred polyphony, Gregorian chant propers. Choral & congregational Music in Latin & English. Hear the 1898 Norman & Beard Pipe Organ play preludes, interludes, improvisations and voluntary postludes. St. Patrick's Cathedral Parish Parramatta in Western Sydney, the heartland of multicultural Australia, is a large, dynamic community which comes together for Prayer and Praise. The Cathedral has a strong liturgical and music tradition, offering dignified worship drawing on ancient and new Catholic ritual and ceremonial practice. Further info https://stpatscathedral.com.au/