Issue of Debenture Revision Part 1 | ONE SHOT | Class 12 | Amit Bhowmick | Accountax
#class12 #cbse #issueofdebentures #cafoundation #icse #ca #class11 #commerce #cma #accountancy #cma To Book your live demo class Contact: 9748196889 (Call/Whatsaap) Amit Bhowmick Sir is currently pursuing his Cost & Management Accountant degree from the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India. He is a teacher by passion besides his profession from last two years and since then he is guiding many students who are also pursuing their journey in the field of CA & CMA. His innovative and engaging teaching pattern made subjects like Tax, cost, accounts, Financial Management enjoyable and easy for his students. The motive of this channel is to help all the aspirants of CA/CMA in all possible ways. To Book your live demo class Contact: 9748196889 (Call/Whatsaap) #accountancy #ca #cma #incometax #cafoundation #cmafoundation #cmainter #cainter #bcom #commerce #law