Deliver an Acknowledgement of Country that really means something | Shelley Reys | TEDxSydney
For 70,000+ years, First Nations Australians have been caring for the lands and waters on which we live and rely. The popular practice of offering an Acknowledgement of Country was conceived to enable non-Indigenous Australians to observe this role and the special place that First Nations peoples hold in the life of the nation. But over the last two decades this script has become rote, and seen as something that we 'have to say' before we get to the 'real' reason we are here. In this powerful talk, Shelley Reys AO explains how to simply and meaningfully give your own Acknowledgement of Country and ensure this important cultural practice continues to be a powerful moment to honour and connect with First Nations culture and country Shelley Reys AO is a Djiribul woman of far north Queensland, Australia, and a respected Indigenous specialist, strategist and service provider. Shelley has been a leader in the reconciliation space for 30 years and as CEO of Arrilla Indigenous Consulting, has been helping the Australian workforce to work in the Indigenous space with greater skill and confidence. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx