Story: At the edge of a beautiful forest lived a Mommy Pig, Daddy Pig, and three little pigs. It was time for them to leave home. “Beware of the Big Bad Wolf!” Daddy Pig warned as he waved goodbye. Before long, the first little pig grew tired. “This spot is perfect!” he yawned and built a house of straw from the nearby field. The second little pig didn’t walk much further. “This will do!” she said, quickly building a house out of sticks she found along the way. The third little pig walked on and on… until he found the perfect spot by a stream. He wanted his house to be strong and safe from the wolf. So, he made a plan… He gathered the best bricks... And after weeks of hard work… His beautiful brick house was complete! Meanwhile, the hungry Big Bad Wolf spotted the first pig resting inside his straw house. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in!” the wolf growled. “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!” cried the little pig. “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” The wolf huffed… and puffed… And just like that, the straw house collapsed! The little pig ran for his life to the house of sticks! But the wolf was close behind. “Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!” he growled. “Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins!” the two pigs cried. “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” The wolf huffed… and puffed… And the stick house crumbled to the ground! The two pigs ran as fast as they could to their brother’s brick house. BANG! BANG! BANG! The wolf knocked at the door. “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!” “Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins!” the three pigs cried. “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” The wolf huffed… and puffed… He huffed harder… and puffed even more… But the brick house didn’t budge! The wolf was furious! He climbed onto the roof and jumped down the chimney! SPLASH! The wolf landed in a pot of boiling hot soup! His tail burned, and he jumped out screaming! He ran away as fast as he could and was never seen again! As for the three little pigs, they lived happily ever after in their strong brick house—safe, warm, and smarter than ever! LITTLE STORIES FOR TINY PODCAST KINDERGARTEN READ ALOUD READ ALOUD STORIES READ ALOUD POPULAR STORIES READ ALOUD POPULAR BOOK FRIENDSHIP STORY FOR PRESCHOOLERS MORAL STORIES MORAL KAHANIYA CUTE STORIES BEDTIME STORIES FOR KIDS #moralstories #moralkahaniya #kidsmoralstoriesinenglish #kidsstories #bedtimestories #bedtimestories