Flowers Offering Kathina Lankarama Buddhist Temple 398 Giano Ave La Puente Bhante Devananda
Flowers Offering Kathina Lankarama Buddhist Temple 398 Giano Ave La Puente Bhante Devananda. Kathina Robe Offering Lankarama Buddhist Temple Bhante Devananda 398 Giano Ave La Puente. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who participated in the annual Kathina ceremony at Lankarama Buddhist Temple. Your generosity in helping, donating Pirikara, and offering alms to the Maha Sangha has truly made a difference.Your kindness and dedication not only support the monastic community but also enrich our collective practice and spirit. May the merits of your actions bring you, your family, and your friends peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment.Thank you for being a vital part of this sacred occasion.With the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem,Lankarama Buddhist Temple - Bhanthe DevanandaKathina Evening Chanting sponsored devotees Lankarama Buddhist Temple 398 Giano Ave La Puente California USA. #Buddha #Dharma #Sangha #lankaramabuddhisttemple #bhantedevananda #kathina #buddhisttemple #buddhist #buddhism #theravada