Flower Offering at Lankarama Buddhist Temple California
Flower Offering at Lankarama Buddhist Temple California 398 Giano Avenue La Puente California USA. This spread of flowers, fresh-hued and fragrant, I offer at the sacred lotus Feet of the Noble Sage. With flowers in great variety, the Buddha I adore And by this merit may I gain release. Even as these flowers must fade, my body too will pass away. With lights brightly shining, dispelling the gloom, I honour the Fully-Awakened, that Light of the Triple World, Who dispels the gloom (of ignorance). Perfumed with infinite qualities, the Tathagatha, fragrant of face and form, I revere with incense, sweet and penetrating. To the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, in the relics of His body, enshrined at Lanka, Jambudvipa, Nagaloka and the Heaven of the Thirty(-three) - in stupas there: I give honour. To all the images of Buddha, in all ten directions, to even hairs and other relics, I give honour. To the Ten Powers of the Buddha, to the Cairn of Bodhi, I give honour. Greetings every stupa, that may stand in any place, The relics, the Great Bodhi, and Buddha forms everywhere! Please kindly subscribe our channel. / indianabuddhisttemple IG & FB: @Indiana.Buddhist.Temple @BhanteDevananda #BhanteDevananda #meditation #MeditationRetreats #Insight #MettaBhavana #LovingKindnessMeditation #Vipassana #Anapanasati #Mindfulness #Theravada #California #IndianaBuddhistTemple #Buddha #Buddhism #buddhist #Meditation #freemeditation #Meditate #Metta #MettaBhavana #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #meditationclass #smilingmonk #mettamonk #bhantedevananda #indianabuddhisttemple #lankaramabuddhisttemple #buddhistchurch #fortwayneindiana #indianameditation #ohiomeditation #ohiobuddhists #mettamonday #mettabhavana #mettameditation #indianabuddhisttemple #ginibola #fireball #bhantedevananda #kathina #fortwayne #fortwayneindiana