3 Nuts You Should Be Eating And 3 You Shouldn’t for Kidney Health

3 Nuts You Should Be Eating And 3 You Shouldn’t for Kidney Health

Unsure which nuts are high in oxalates, potassium, or phosphorus? If you're suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) or calcium oxalate stones (a type of kidney stone), you may be wondering if you can keep nuts in your renal diet. Don't worry because in this video, we'll go over the best and worst nuts for your kidneys! Just make sure to consult your healthcare provider if you have a late-stage CKD or are on dialysis, so they can confirm what foods you can keep in your diet along with the portion sizes appropriate for you. Be sure to like, subscribe, and share this video with loved ones so that they can live their best healthy lives while enjoying delicious nuts 😋 Try potassium-free macadamia nut milk: https://amzn.to/477vmvQ #nuts #kidneyhealth #renaldiet Check out our other videos on kidney health! Top 4 Super Seeds That Reduce Creatinine Fast and Improve Kidney Health    • Top 4 Super Seeds That Reduce Creatin...   See What Apple Cider Vinegar Does to Your KIDNEYS    • See What Apple Cider Vinegar Does to ...   These 5 Spices Will Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally    • These 5 Spices Will Lower Creatinine ...   ⏰ Timestamps 00:00 Intro Best nuts: 01:32 Nut 1 04:09 Nut 2 04:54 Nut 3 Worst nuts: 06:24 Nut 4 08:19 Nut 5 10:31 Nut 6 Disclaimer: The information provided on Health & Mindful Habits is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Viewers are advised to consult a qualified healthcare provider when facing health issues and should not take any home health remedies in excess, especially without professional guidance. The channel owner and creators are not liable for any consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the provided information.