DRINK 1 CUP DAILY to Cleanse Kidneys of Uric Acid, Oxalates, & Gout

DRINK 1 CUP DAILY to Cleanse Kidneys of Uric Acid, Oxalates, & Gout

Suffering from high uric acid and gout and looking for a way to cleanse your kidneys of oxalates? Well, we've got the perfect recipe for you! This all-natural drink cleanses your kidneys of uric acid and oxalates, fighting against gout and kidney stones, as calcium oxalate stones are the most common type of kidney stone. This drink is the ultimate addition to your renal diet, and the best thing about it is that it's all natural! No ingredient in it is hard to pronounce, and they can be easily bought in your local grocery store! Remember to consult your doctor if you're making any big dietary changes, especially if you also have other kidney conditions like CKD (chronic kidney disease), proteinuria, high creatinine levels, or are on dialysis. Don't be shy to Like, Subscribe, and share this video with your loved ones who might need the kidney-cleansing recipe! 🤗 Check out our other videos on kidney health! Just Do THIS Every Morning and Watch Your KIDNEYS Recover Fast    • Just Do THIS Every Morning and Watch ...   3 Nuts You Should Be Eating And 3 You Shouldn’t for Kidney Health    • 3 Nuts You Should Be Eating And 3 You...   10 Foods That Reduce Uric Acid Levels Naturally    • 10 Foods That Reduce Uric Acid Levels...   ⏰ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 01:13 1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) 02:26 2. Lemon juice 03:34 3. Tart cherry juice 05:20 4. Basil 05:42 5. Water 06:29 6. Honey (optional) 07:11 Recipe to fight uric acid, gout, and oxalates 08:07 Other ways to heal kidneys 08:30 Diet that reduces uric acid 08:44 Salt intake 09:01 Planted-based protein over animal-based protein #uricacid #kidney #oxalates Disclaimer: The information provided on Health & Mindful Habits is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Viewers are advised to consult a qualified healthcare provider when facing health issues and should not take any home health remedies in excess, especially without professional guidance. The channel owner and creators are not liable for any consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the provided information.