Fat Mapping | 4 Tips to Lose Weight That You Haven’t Heard | Dr. Janine

Fat Mapping | 4 Tips to Lose Weight That You Haven’t Heard | Dr. Janine

Fat Mapping | 4 Tips That You Haven’t Heard for Weight Loss | Dr. Janine In this video, Dr. Janine talks about fat mapping and shares 4 tips to lose weight that you haven’t heard. She looks at how back fat and bra fat could be related to low thyroid or high levels of estrogen. She explains how love handles and muffin top can be caused by insulin resistance. She talks about how belly fat can be related to high stress and cortisol levels. She suggests fixing your hormones and leptin resistance to help lose weight faster. She looks at how supporting the thyroid gland can help you lose weight. Lastly, Dr. Janine talks about how decreasing stress, and improving sleep patterns and circadian rhythms will help you with your weight loss goals. Video Chapters 00:00 – Intro 00:30 – Back & Bra Strap Fat 00:51 – Muffin Top, Love Handles 01:19 – Belly Fat 02:01 – Tip #1 Fix Your Hormones, Fix Leptin Resistance 02:28 – Tip #2 Support Thyroid Health 02:41 – Tip #3 Decrease Stress 03:10 – Tip #4 Improve Sleep Patterns, Circadian Rhythm Links to supplements mentioned in this short Herbal Medicines for Thyroid – Vitatree Thyroid Support: https://us.vitatree.com/thyroid-support/ Link to BeStill channel mentioned in this video BeStill Channel Dr. Janine Bowring -    / @bestilldrjanine   Watch Health Matters with Dr. Janine -Online every Tuesday at 11am EST -And chat with Dr. Janine live during the show. Connection with Doctor Janine: Instagram:   / doctorjanine   Facebook:   / drj9live   Twitter: https://twitter.com/drj9live?lang=en Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@j9naturally?l... YouTube:    / vitatree   Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/drj9live #fatmapping #weightloss #bellyfat