READ ALOUD BOOK | The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Book | Storytime Children's Time

READ ALOUD BOOK | The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Book | Storytime Children's Time

#readtoyourkids #kidsbooksreadaloud Book: The three little pigs and the big bad Book by Lucy Rowland and Ben Mantle Description: The pigs grunted down, You're not coming inside! But l'd like to be friends now, "the sorry wolf sighed. When Ben bedtime story time is left unfinished, the three little pigs come knocking on the door. And the big bad wolf isn't far behind... But this time ,will the story have a different ending ? THE ORIGINAL READ ALOUD BOOK CHANNEL: Easy Peasy Bumblebee is a Wholesome, Hilarious, Funny, Exciting Kids YouTube Read Aloud Channel where MRS D a storyteller, reads books to kids with love, funny voices with MYLO the monkey entertain, educate & inspire a love of reading! AUTHORS: If you have any smelly, stinky, monstrous ,yucky, slimy, grumpy, moody, horrible, disgusting, revolting, Gruesome children's books that need reading out then this is your channel! 😊 Subscribe and thank you for watching!