[한국어 공부 - 속담 ] Learning Korean through Korean Proverbs.15 - 개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다.
Learning Korean through Korean Proverbs 15 #learningkorean #koreanproverbs 개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다 [ ge gu ɾi _ ol t͈ɕʰɛŋ i _ t͈ʃʌk̚ _ sæŋ ɡak mot ha da ] literal translation : A frog cannot remember the tadpole stage similar English : The old cow thinks like that she never was a calf 개구리 (frog) - /ge gu ɾi/ 올챙이 (tadpole) - /ol t͈ɕʰɛŋ i/ 적 (once) - /t͈ʃʌk̚/ 생각 못하다 (cannot remember) - /sæŋ ɡak mot ha da/ "개구리" /ge gu ɾi/ means "frog," "올챙이" /ol t͈ɕʰɛŋ i/ means "tadpole," "적" /t͈ʃʌk̚/ means "once" "생각 못하다" /sæŋ ɡak mot ha da/ means "cannot remember " The proverb suggests that once someone achieves success or experiences significant change, it is difficult to recall or imagine their naive or humble beginnings It is often used to remind people to be humble and grateful, and not to forget where they come from 개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다 [ ge gu ɾi _ ol t͈ɕʰɛŋ i _ t͈ʃʌk̚ _ sæŋ ɡak mot ha da ] A frog cannot remember the tadpole stage