Ballard First Lutheran Christmas Eve Worship: December 24, 2021

Ballard First Lutheran Christmas Eve Worship: December 24, 2021

Join us for this recorded version of worship at Ballard First Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington. Service Details: Organ Prelude - Carols of the Season Musical Offerings from the congregation Lighting of the Advent Wreath Proclamation of the Birth of Christ Opening Hymn - Oh Come, All Ye Faithful - ELW 283 Prayer of the Day Solo - Jeg er saa glad - ELW 271 Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 9:2-7 Anthem - In the Bleak Midwinter - arr. G. Alan Smith Solo - Lo, How a Rose - ELW 272 Gospel - Luke 2:1-20 Hymn - Silent Night, Holy Night - ELW 281 Christmas Homily Hymn - Angels We Have Heard on High - ELW 289 Prayers Offertory Solo - Crystal Star - John Johnson Words of Institution Lord's Prayer Solo - O Holy Night - Adolphe Adam Holy Communion Closing Hymn - Joy to the World - ELW 267 Benediction Postlude - Go Tell It on the Mountain - arr. Paul Manz Dismissal Musical offerings from the congregation ---------- Organ Prelude: It Came upon a Midnight Clear - arr. David Lasky, copyright 1996 H.W. Gray Co. Christmas Meditation - Lester H. Groom, copyright 2017 Sacred Music Press Von Himmel Hoch - Max Reger, public domain Still, Still, Still - arr. Paul Manz, copyright Morning Star Music Choir Anthem - In the Bleak Midwinter - arr. G. Alan Smith, copyright 1989 Hope Publishing Co. Offertory Solo - Crystal Star - copyright 2011 John Johnson Communion Solo - O Holy Night - Adolphe Adam, public domain Postlude - Go Tell It on the Mountain - Paul Manz, copyright 1987 Morning Star Publishers Hymn texts and copyrighted music used under One License #A-726418