Ballard First Lutheran Worship Service: December 12, 2021
Join us for this recorded version of worship at Ballard First Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington. Service Details: Sunday December 12, 2021 Third Sunday of Advent: Prelude on "Suo Gan" arr. Gerald Near Lighting of the Advent Wreath Opening Hymn - Now the Heavens Start to Whisper- ACS 901 Greeting Prayer of the Day Gospel - Luke 3:7-18 Anthem - Rejoice in the Lord, Always Homily - Pastor Mary Elise Hymn of the Day - People Look East - ELW 248 Apostles Creed Prayers of Intercession Prayer Response - In Silence We Wait - ACS 998 Invitation to Give Offertory Solo - When a Star Is Shining - ACS 915 Words of Institution Lord's Prayer Holy Communion Benediction Postlude - People, Look East - arr. J. Wayne Kerr Dismissal --------------- Prelude on Welsh tune "Suo Gan" arr. Gerald Near, copyright 1995 Aureole Editions Postlude - People, Look East - arr. J. Wayne Kerr, copyright 2000 Augsburg Fortress Hymn texts and copyrighted music used under One License #A-726418