Gamora Saves Rocket from Adam Warlock Fight Scene [No BGM] | Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Gamora Saves Rocket from Adam Warlock Fight Scene [No BGM] | Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The Guardians arrive on Counter-Earth, where Peter Quill, Groot, and Nebula head to a complex called Arete. Nebula is forced to wait outside by a guard, while Quill and Groot are allowed inside to meet the High Evolutionary. During their meeting, the High Evolutionary orders his guard to attack Quill’s ship to capture Rocket. Gamora steps in to save Rocket from Adam and the High Evolutionary’s enforcer, War Pig. Adam kills War Pig to hand Rocket over to the High Evolutionary to save the Sovereign, but Gamora steals him away. When Quill questions him, the High Evolutionary admits that his version of Counter-Earth’s society isn’t perfect, so he orders the planet bombarded, wiping out the Humanimals and killing Ayesha. This devastates Adam, who considers Ayesha his mother. With his ship destroyed, Adam has no choice but to seek refuge with Gamora. As Arete turns into a spaceship and takes off, Nebula, Drax, and Mantis manage to sneak aboard to rescue Quill and Groot. Meanwhile, Quill and Groot escape with Theel, who has the code to disable Rocket’s kill switch and restart his heart. What do you think of the fight? Did you find anything interesting? How would you rate the dialogue and the action? Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Feel free to share your thoughts with the world. If you have any questions from me, just mention my channel name and I'll be happy to respond. [Behind the Edit] I spent hours putting this video together. I grabbed the 4K HDR Blu-ray for the highest possible quality, carefully removed the background music score to isolate the scene’s visuals and performances, and trimmed out any unrelated parts to keep everything on point. The idea was to give you a clear view of the CGI, special effects, and acting, so you can appreciate the details without the distraction of music or other elements. [Key Moments] 0:00 | Gamora Tries to Save Rocket from War Pig and Adam 0:56 | Adam Fails to Save His Mother [Death of Ayesha] 1:44 | Nebula, Mantis, and Drax Enter the High Evolutionary's Ship 2:15 | Gamora Brings the Ship to Peter and Groot 2:51 | More Scenes [Outro Music] Title: Tropic Fuse Artist: French Fuse    • Tropic Fuse   [The Original Movie] Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Release date: May 5, 2023 Director: James Gunn Writer: James Gunn Stars: Chris Pratt, Chukwudi Iwuji, Bradley Cooper IMDB: 7.9 of 10 based on 409K users © 2023 MARVEL © 2023 Disney Entertainment #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #Gamora #AdamWarlock #Rocket #Nebula #Mantis #Drax #Groot #StarLord #PeterQuill