No-dig / No-till vegetable garden beds | From start to planting 🌱

No-dig / No-till vegetable garden beds | From start to planting 🌱

I’m in the process of converting an old unkept allotment into an ecologically managed ‘no dig’, or ‘minimal disturbance’ vegetable garden and it’s finally time to create the main growing beds. The allotment had been dug over year after year, and the soil has sunk and degraded overtime. However, by mulching, instead of digging or tilling, we can mimic natural proccess and start to rebuild the soil structure and allow the myriad of like within to thrive, whilst creating a symbiotic relationship with the plants as they grow, increasing yields and boosting biodiversity. 🌱🌼🐝 There’s also far less weeds and effort once they are made. 😊🙌🏻 and ground beds are cheaper to make and are less likely to harbour pests than raised beds. Why would you ever dig? 🌱 #gardening #nodig #gardeningtips