How to Sign - Festivals | Indian Sign Language | Learn Festival Signs | Indian Festivals | Siggnn
India is a land of celebration, we celebrate many festivals because of our rich, vibrant and diverse cultures and we signs for each festival. In this video you will learn to Sign the National Festivals of India. This video does not include the regional festival signs. If you want us to make a video on regional festivals, comment the name of the festival and the region it is celebrated in and we will research to provide you the common Sign for the regional festival. If you like the video please share it with your loved ones. Our goal is to share happiness through Signs and make our country an inclusive country. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates and of course Signs. #howtosign #festival #festivalsofindia #signlanguage #indian #sign #language #isl #indiasigns #siggnn #india For Sign language awareness workshop please free to visit www.siggnn.com or write to us at [email protected], we will be happy to assist. Special thanks to @amityincubator