Surat At-Takwir (The Overthrowing) | Mishary Rashid Alafasy | مشاري بن راشد العفاسي | سورة التكوير
Surat At-Takwir (The Overthrowing) | Mishary Rashid Alafasy | مشاري بن راشد العفاسي | سورة التكوير _______________ 00:00 Intro 00:08 Itha ashshamsu kuwwirat 00:11 Wa-itha annujoomu inkadarat 00:16 Wa-itha aljibalu suyyirat 00:20 Wa-itha alAAisharu AAuttilat 00:23 Wa-itha alwuhooshu hushirat 00:26 Wa-itha albiharu sujjirat 00:29 Wa-itha annufoosu zuwwijat 00:34 Wa-itha almawoodatu su-ilat 00:37 Bi-ayyi thanbin qutilat 00:42 Wa-itha assuhufunushirat 00:44 Wa-itha assamao kushitat 00:50 Wa-itha aljaheemu suAAAAirat 00:53 Wa-itha aljannatu ozlifat 00:57 AAalimat nafsun ma ahdarat 01:03 Fala oqsimu bilkhunnas 01:09 Aljawari alkunnas 01:13 Wallayli itha AAasAAas 01:16 Wassubhi ithatanaffas 01:19 Innahu laqawlu rasoolin kareem 01:27 Thee quwwatin AAinda theealAAarshi makeen 01:34 MutaAAin thamma ameen 01:41 Wama sahibukum bimajnoon 01:47 Walaqad raahu bilofuqialmubeen 01:53 Wama huwa AAala alghaybi bidaneen 01:59 Wama huwa biqawli shaytaninrajeem 02:06 Faayna tathhaboon 02:09 In huwa illa thikrun lilAAalameen 02:15 Liman shaa minkum an yastaqeem 02:24 Wama tashaoona illa anyashaa Allahu rabbu alAAalameen _________________________________________________________ Theme and Subject-Matter: This Surah has two themes 1. The Hereafter and 2. The Institution of Risalat (Prophethood). The first six verses mention the first stage of the Resurrection when the sun will lose its light, the stars will scatter, the mountains will be uprooted and will disperse, the people will become heedless of their dearest possessions, the beasts of the jungle will be stupefied and will gather together, and the seas will boil up. Then the next seven verses mention the second stage when the souls will be reunited with their bodies, the records will be laid open, the people will be called to account for their crimes, the heavens will be unveiled, and Hell and Heaven will be brought into full view. After depicting the Hereafter this way, man has been left to ponder his own self and deeds, saying: "Then each man shall himself know what he has brought with him." The people of Makkah are addressed: "Whatever Muhammad (pbuh) is presenting before you, is not the bragging of a madman, nor an evil suggestion inspired by Satan, but the word of a noble, exalted and trustworthy messenger sent by God, whom Muhammad (pbuh) has seen with his own eyes in the bright horizon of the clear sky in broad day light." Source: Malik Surah Introductions ________________________________________________ Top Key Words Islam (Religion), Sunnah (Religious Text), Quran (Religious Text), Mishari Rashid (Person), Surah, At-Takwir, Muhammad, Koran, Prophet, Sheikh, Ahmed, Nasheed, Imam, Ramadan, Convert, Lecture, Holy, Mecca, Arabic, Peace, Moses, Shaykh, Ahmad, Saudi, Medina, Debate, Ibrahim, Translation, Abdul, Truth, Revert, Abdullah, Arabia, Shaikh, Paradise, Messenger, Miracle, Miracles, Rahman, Verses, Transliteration, HD, Nature