Recitation Qur'an: At Takwir التكوير | Mishary Rashid Alafasy |مشاري بن راشد العفاسي | Annaba Daily
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته At Takwir التكوير | 81th Chapter of the Qur'an 1-14 Verses: المکیة The Holy Quran's Arabic with English translation and transliteration. The English Translation is Shaheeh International. The Arabic reciter is Syaikh Misyari Rasyid Al-`Afasy. Annaba Daily is a youtube channel which is basically for those who want to Listen and Learn the Holy Quran (Qur'an). Annaba Daily is uploaded recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), and murottal Quran (Qur'an). Annaba Daily is a channel for recitation of the Holy Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur of the Holy Quran (Qur'an), and murottal of the Holy Quran (Qur'an). The recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), and murottal Quran (Qur'an) is read in a very beautiful voice on Annaba Daily. You can heard the recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), and murottal Quran (Qur'an) in Annaba Daily. The purpose of The recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), and murottal Quran (Qur'an) in Annaba Daily is to attract people to learn the Holy Quran (Qur'an). if you listen to Annaba Daily for the recitation of the Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), or murrotal Quran (Qur'an), may Allah be pleased with it. This recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), or murrotal Quran (Qur'an) in Annaba Daily brings a lot of peace to the hearts of people. If you also love listening to the recitation Quran (Qur'an), tadabbur Quran (Qur'an), or murrotal Quran (Qur'an), then please subscribe to channel @Annabadaily to receive daily recitations. جَزَاكُمُ اللهُ خَيْرًاكَثِيْرًا بَارَكَ اللَّهُ فِيكُمْ #recitation #tadabbur #murrotal #tilawah #quran #thequran #holyquran #theholyquran #recitationquran #tadabburquran #murrotalquran #tilawahquran #tilawaquran #tilawatiquran #mishari #misyari #misyarirasyid #misharirashid #alafasy #misharirashidalafasy #misyarirasyidalafasy #AlFatihah #TheOpening #Makkiyah #AlBaqarah #TheCow #Madaniyyah #AliImran #AnNisaa #AlMaidah #AlAnam #AlAraf #AlAnfal #AtTaubah #Yunus #Hud #Yusuf #ArRadu #Ibrahim #AlHijr #AnNahl #AlIsra #AlKahfi #Maryam #Thaha #AlAnbiyaa #AlHajj #AlMuminun #المؤمنون #TheBelievers #AnNur #النور #TheLight #AlFurqan #الفرقان #TheCriterion #AsySyuara #الشعراء #ThePoets #AnNaml #النمل #TheAnt #AlQashash #القصص #TheStories #AlAnkabut #العنكبوت #TheSpider #ArRum #الروم #TheRomans #Luqman #لقمان #Luqman #AsSajdah #السجدة #TheProstration #AlAhzab #الأحزاب #TheClans #Saba #سبإ #Sheba #Fathir #فاطر #TheOriginator #YaSin #يس #Yaseen #AshShaaffat #الصافات #ThosedrawnupinRanks #Shaad #ص #AzZumar #الزمر #TheGroups #AlGhafir #غافر #TheForgiver #AlFushilat #فصلت #Explainedindetail #AsySyuura #الشورى #Consultation #AzZukhruf #الزخرف #Ornamentsofgold #AdDukhan #الدخان #TheSmoke #AlJaatsiyah #الجاثية #Crouching #AlAhqaf #الأحقاف #TheDunes #Muhammad #محمد #AlFath #الفتح #TheVictory #AlHujurat #الحجرات #TheInnerApartments #Qaaf #ق #TheletterQaaf #AdzDzaariyaat #الذاريات #TheWinnowingWinds #AthThuur#الطور #TheMount #AnNajm #النجم #TheStar #AlQamar #القمر #TheMoon #ArRahmaan #الرحمن #TheBeneficent #AlWaaqi’ah #الواقعة #TheInevitable #AlHadid #الحديد #TheIron #AlMujadalah #المجادلة #AlHasyr #الحشر #AlMumtahanah #الممتحنة #Shetistobeexamined #AshShaff #الصف #TheRanks #AlJumuah #الجمعة #Friday #AlMunafiqun #المنافقون #TheHypocrites #AthTaghabun #التغابن #MutualDisillusion #AthThalaaq #الطلاق #Divorce #AtTahrim #التحريم #TheProhibition #AlMulk #الملك #The Sovereignty #AlQalam #القلم #ThePen #AlHaaqqah #الحاقة #TheReality #AlMaarij #المعارج #TheAscendingStairways #Nuh #نوح #Noah #AlJin #الجن #TheJinn #AlMuzammil #المزمل #TheEnshroudedOne #AlMud astir #المدثر #TheCloakedOne #AlQiyaamah #القيامة #TheResurrection #AlInsaan #الانسان #Man #AlMursalaat #المرسلات#TheEmissaries #AnNaba #النبإ #TheAnnouncement #AnNaazi’at #النازِعات #Thosewhodragforth #‘Abasa #عبس #Hefrowned #AtTakwir #التكوير #TheOverthrowing #AlInfithar #الإنفطار #TheCleaving #AlMuthaffifin #المطففين #Defrauding #AlInsyiqaq #الإنشقاق #TheSplittingOpen #AlBuruuj #البروج #TheConstellations #AthThariq #الطارق #TheMorningStar #AlA’laa #الأعلى #TheMostHigh #AlGhaasyiah #الغاشية #TheOverwhelming #AlFajr #الفجر #TheDawn #AlBalad #البلد #TheCity #AsySyams #الشمس #TheSun #AlLa #الليل #TheNight#AdhDhuhaa #الضحى#TheMorningHours#AsySyarh #الشرح#TheConsolation #AtTiin #التين #TheFig #AlAlaq #العلق #TheClot #AlQadr #القدر#ThePower #Fate #AlBayyinah #البينة #TheEvidence #AzZalzalah #الزلزلة #TheEarthquake #AlAadiyah #العاديات #TheChargers #AlQaari’ah #القارعة# TheCalamity #AtTakaatsur #التكاثر #Competition #AlAshr #العصر #TheDecliningDay #AlHumazah #الهمزة#TheTraducer #Al Fiil #الفيل #TheElephant #Quraisy #قريش #Quraysh #Al Maaun #الماعون #Almsgiving #AlKautsar #الكوثر #Abundance #AlKafirun #الكافرون #AnNashr #النصر #DivineSupport #AlLahab #اللهب #ThePalmfire #AlIkhlash #الإخلاص #Sincerity #AlFalaq #الفلق #TheDawn #AnNaas #الناس #Mankind #annabadaily #dailyanaaba #bacaquran #ngaji #tilawah #juz30 #تدببار