IDM Inducement । Fake Breakouts । Smart Money Concept । Trading Lesson
IDM Inducement । Fake Breakouts । Smart Money Concept । Trading Lesson #Forex strategy #ict strategy Forex #Idm #Inducement Trap You can learn Forex trading, crypto trading, binary option trading from here. ✅যদি আপনার ট্রেডিং সম্পর্কে বিশেষ কোনো দরকার হয় তাহলে হয়াটসআ্যাপে বলতে পারেন (01402032668)। 👉আমার কোনো telegram ভিআইপি গ্রুপ নেই। 👉এটা আমার পাবলিক চ্যানেল আপনি চাইলে জয়েন হতে পারেন। আমি কোনো সিগন্যাল ব্যবসা করি না. 👉My telegram:-https://t.me/tradinglesson2 👉My tik tok:-tiktok.com/@tradinglesson2 👉📌✅ On this channel we always upload everything trading related to Forex trading. #cryptotrading related strategies.. and binary option trading all strategies. Forex trading account create. Crypto tradin binance account create. Binary option trading quotex account create. Forex scalping. Forex day trading. Binary option quotex 1 muniths entry. . Forex trading better then binary trading. And it's real trading. First learn then earn.. ✅📌👉👀 DISCLAIMER.! 👉Trading is not Legel in Bangladesh. Whether it is Forex trading or binary option trading. Crypto trading. None of these trading is not legal in our country. Trading is a much more risky business. So you will learn well before. Without it, you will lose your money.im not finantial advisor.in this channel ! our all videos make for edtional and entertaintment pourpose .where im showing you guys how i place trade...trading are very risky busness ...so first learn then earn.. Thank you so much for watching the video❤️❤️ #learn forex trading #forexictstertegy #smc forexstertegy# #forex priceactionstertgy #forexbeginerguide #begenerstutrou #binaryoptiontrading #quotex1munitssureshot #forextradingfreecourse#forextradingforbeginer #tradingpscylogy #tradingmindset##allindicetor### ##Trading lesson## #forextrading# ##cryptotrading## ###allindicitor### ####1munitstrade#### #####forexrsi##### #######forexbolingarbands###### #########binary############### ############quotex############## #########candilstikpattren############# ###########forexfibonacci############# thank you all.......