Starting your own Saltwater Nano - Top 5 Things NEEDED to run a Nano Reef!

Starting your own Saltwater Nano - Top 5 Things NEEDED to run a Nano Reef!

The time has come... NEW PROJECT ALERT! I have been wanting to get this series up and going, and I look forward to sharing the experience of getting your very own nano reef tank up and running. Today we are going to start with the basics and go over my list of NEEDED equipment to get your tank started! What do YOU think are the most important pieces of equipment to get a reef set up? Shout out to the companies making this series a reality! Be sure to check them all out! Aqua Illumination: Sicce: Brightwell Aquatics: TopLids: Be sure to like and subscribe and join the King Tide Corals family, lets grow together in this hobby! Socials: INSTAGRAM: htttp:// FACEBOOK PAGE: Reefing Friends: Remy (Bahama Llama):    / theremyr.  . Tyler (Inland_Reef):   / inland_reef   Ryan (Northwest_nano):   / northwest_nano   Sean: (cristata.reef):   /  . Tigah Boy:   / tigahboy.h2o