Community UMC - Sunday Worship - 12-05-2021

Community UMC - Sunday Worship - 12-05-2021

Welcome to Worship! Sunday 12–05-2021 - Second Sunday of Advent Sermon - “A Beginner’s Guide to Advent: Blessings” - Pastor Linda Meyer Tom Meyer Liturgy Kathy Kramer, piano Matt Perry, organ Service Music Out of the East Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine Hymns Used In Worship - From The United Methodist Hymnal & Faith We Sing Songbook Opening Hymn - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing- UMH #240 Hymn of Praise - Hail to The Lord’s Annointed - UMH #203 Children’s Response - Away in a Manger - UMH #217 Prayer Response - There’s Something About That Name - UMH #171 Doxology - Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow - UMH #95 Scripture Response - Thy Word is a Lamp - UMH # 601 Closing Hymn - Heralds of Christ - UMH #567 Benediction Hymn - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus - UMH #196