How to prevent RAM Cummins 6.7L engine failure due to stock grid heater

How to prevent RAM Cummins 6.7L engine failure due to stock grid heater

Over time, a bolt in the 2007-current stock RAM 6.7L Cummins grid heater deteriorates, falls into the intake runner, and makes its way into cylinder #6. In many cases, it results in total engine failure. Many mechanics either aren't aware of the problem or do not take the engine apart to properly diagnose it. "This is one of the most misdiagnosed Cummins engine issues," says Protech Diesel Center's Brad Hunt. "All too often, mechanics simply replace the engine. Therefore, the problem persists." With the help of Protech in Kamloops, British Columbia, Gale Banks shows the problem close-up and reveals a cost-effective solution. Early detection of air intake heater failure often begins with a check engine light and P2609 heater circuit code. This should be followed by the "Jiggle Test" to see if the stud and nut in the heater plate are loose. Jiggle Test:    • Ram 6.7L Grid Heater Bolt Failure Jig...   Banks Monster-Ram for 2019-current RAM 6.7L Banks Monster-Ram for 2013-18 RAM 6.7L Banks Monster-Ram for 2007.5-12 RAM 6.7L Protech Diesel Center 709 Tagish St, Kamloops, BC V2H 1B6, Canada (778) 471-6350 00:00 Intro 01:48 Bolt failure explained 02:28 Bolt failure example 03:28 Stock intake elbow removal 04:10 Closeup look at broken bolt 05:22 Head removal 05:41 Piston damage 06:53 Bolt wedged in piston 07:02 Look inside cylinder 07:14 The solution #cummins #ram #diesel