Solemn Vespers with Bishop Burbidge
Bishop Burbidge invites you to join him for the celebration of Solemn Vespers to be held in thanksgiving for the naming of six priests of the Diocese of Arlington as "Chaplains to His Holiness" by Pope Francis and bestowing on them the title of Monsignor. Solemn Vespers will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Thomas More, Arlington, at 7 p.m., on Sunday, November 24, 2024, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. All are invited to a dessert reception to follow in Burke Hall. The six new Monsignors are: —Msgr. Robert C. Cilinski, pastor, Nativity Catholic Church in Burke and diocesan episcopal vicar for charitable works —Msgr. Paul F. deLadurantaye, diocesan Chancellor —Msgr. Dennis W. Kleinmann, pastor, St. Veronica Church in Chantilly —Msgr. Robert J. Rippy, diocesan judicial vicar and director of St. Rose of Lima Priests Retirement Villa. —Msgr. Lee R. Roos, pastor, All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas and dean for Deanery V —Msgr. William P. Saunders, pastor, St. Agnes Church in Arlington and diocesan episcopal vicar for faith formation