20 November 2022 | Morning Worship | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

20 November 2022 | Morning Worship | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

Recording from Morning Worship live stream. 00:00:00 Intimations 00:03:00 Intro Countdown 00:05:00 Praise: Blessed be Your Name 00:08:35 Welcome and Intimations 00:10:35 Opening prayer 00:14:16 Praise: King of Kings Majesty 00:17:08 Reading: Luke 1: 68-79 00:18:46 Sermon: Christ the King 00:36:26 Praise: Psalm 23 00:39:40 Prayers for others 00:48:08 Praise: King of Kings 00:52:22 Time Together 01:05:06 Praise: In Christ alone 01:08:50 Blessing St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan (also known as Annan: St. Andrew’s) Scottish Charity no. SC010891 Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI Licence 187908 | Streaming Plus Licence 134437 | All rights reserved.