6 March 2022 | Sunday All Together | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

6 March 2022 | Sunday All Together | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan

Recording from All-age Worship at St. Andrew's Parish Church of Scotland, Annan. If you would like to make an offering as part of your worship please use this link: https://pay.sumup.io/b2c/QLWBHRPL?utm... 00:00:00 Intimations 00:03:21 Intro Countdown 00:05:52 Praise: Across the lands 00:09:08 Welcome and Intimations 00:10:40 Opening prayer 00:13:57 Praise: Before the throne of God above 00:16:48 Reading: Luke 4: 1-13 00:22:34 Talk: 'Temptation' 00:30:22 Praise: The King of love my shepherd is 00:32:50 Talk: 'Overcoming Temptation' 00:47:40 Praise: All through history 00:51:40 Prayers for others 00:57:44 Praise: Yet not I but through Christ in me 01:02:35 Blessing Worship Lyric Videos, used by permission, all rights reserved. WorshipHouse Media, used by permission, all rights reserved. 'All through history' Becky Drake | CCLI# 5100206 | Copyright 2007 Song Solutions | Used by permission, all rights reserved. St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan (also known as Annan: St. Andrew’s) Scottish Charity no. SC010891 CCLI Licence 187908 | Streaming Plus Licence 134437