10 Minutes Traditional Pranayama Techniques Must Do Everyday | Breathing Techniques

10 Minutes Traditional Pranayama Techniques Must Do Everyday | Breathing Techniques

In this practice, we will be focusing on the breath and using various breathing techniques to help calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Our goal is to make good health a priority, promote well-being and make this world a healthier place to live in. Thank you! For more insightful content on wellness and health, follow Dr. Hansaji Yogendra's exclusive page on Instagram.   / hansajiyogendra   Visit our website at: https://theyogainstitute.org/ Download our New Meditation App - Nispand: Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... App Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/nispand... Sign up for our : 200 hrs TTC - 1 Month TTC Online & On Campus - English - Batch 1 https://theyogainstitute.org/one-mont... Register for our :Diabetes Camp - On Campus https://theyogainstitute.org/diabetes... Watch our video on "Do These 5 Minute Quick Asanas Series: Yoga EVERY Morning for Healthy Life | Weight Loss Tips" by clicking the link below:    • Do These 5 Minute Quick Asanas Series...   Subscribe to our channels to stay updated:    / theyogainstitutehindi      / channel      / nispandmeditationapp      / theyogainstituteofficial     / hansajiyogendra     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / tyi_official   #DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute #TheYogaInstitute #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogalife #asana #yogaeveryday