Khashkhash Ke Fawaid - Surprising Benefits of Poppy Seeds - Urdu/Hindi - Dr. Ibrahim
For ages, the poppy plant (Khashkhash) has been used as traditional medicine. Its blooms are predominantly white and yellow and are native to the Eastern Mediterranean. The seeds produced by these flowers are tiny, round, and blue, black, or pale to dark gray depending on where they are grown. Poppy seeds (khas khas) are widely consumed in baked foods and traditional cuisines all over the world. Both the seeds (khashkhash ki beej) and their oil (khashkhash ka tel) are claimed to provide a variety of health advantages, including the treatment of headaches and coughs, as well as the treatment of asthma (sans mein mushkil) and insomnia (neend na aana). Poppy seeds (khashkhash ke fayde) are high in beneficial plant compounds and minerals such as manganese. These seeds and their oil may help with fertility and digestion, but further research is needed on many of their claimed advantages. Unwashed poppy seeds (khashkhash ke beej) can potentially get contaminated with opium chemicals, which have pain-relieving, relaxing, and sleep-inducing qualities. However, due to the health dangers associated, you should never ingest unwashed poppy seeds (khus khus). Poppy seeds, which may be purchased in supermarkets or on baked products, are largely regarded as harmless and contain few if any, opium components. In this video, we'll go deeper into the health benefits of poppy seeds and how, when used in moderation, they may dramatically improve fertility and promote better sleep. Other names of Poppy Seeds: Bengali: Post Dana Persian: Tukham-e-Kokner Hindi: Khashkhas Sanskrit: Khasa Arabic: Qishrul-Khaskhas Punjabi: Khashkhash --- ☎️ For an appointment with Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim, VOICE MESSAGE at https://wa.me/+923317915970 🌟 (Voice message on WhatsApp is preferred, calls may not be entertained!) ♥️ Subscribe for more health-related content freshly delivered to your inbox every day! --- ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: The information published herein is intended and strictly only for informational, educational, purposes and the same shall not be misconstrued as medical advice. If you are worried about your own health, or your child’s well-being, seek immediate medical advice. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this channel. #KhashKhash #PoppySeeds #Benefits #PostDana #TukhamEKokner #Khasa #QishrulKhaskhas #Uses #PapaverSmoniferum #Insomnia #Sleeplessness #Fertility #Infertility #DrMuhammadIbrahim #DrIbrahim