TurfMend Tall Fescue Bare Spot Repair - Easy DIY Lawn Fix!

TurfMend Tall Fescue Bare Spot Repair - Easy DIY Lawn Fix!

I'm excited to partner with TurfMend again for my third season! If you have never tried TurfMend before, this is the easiest way to fix bare spots in your lawn. The best part is that they now sell it on www.homedepot.com with FREE SHIPPING! Learn More Here: https://www.homedepot.com/p/JB-Signat... #turfmend #turfmendgrassseed #turfmendseed #lawnrepair #barespotrepair #grassseed #howtouseturfmend #turfmendreview #productreview #repairdogurinespotsinlawn