EASIEST Houseplants Even YOU Can't Kill 🌱 Top 10 Easy Plants In My Collection

EASIEST Houseplants Even YOU Can't Kill 🌱 Top 10 Easy Plants In My Collection

Easiest houseplants even you can't kill - top 10 easy plants in my collection - easiest indoor plants - easy houseplants for beginners - low maintenance houseplants - unkillable house plants ----------------------------- ➡️ For BONUS planty content with me (and Joli), feel free to check out our Patreon!   / thejunglehaven   🌿🌱 ----------------------------- I'VE GOT MERCH 😆 🐾 https://my-store-cbac58.creator-sprin... ----------------------------- MY RECOMMENDED MUST-HAVES FOR HOUSEPLANTS: → Liquid Gold Leaf Fertiliser - https://www.liquidgoldleaf.co.uk/?ref... → Lechuza Pon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B... → Humidifier - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B... → Mother Grow Light Bar - MOTHER GROW LIGHTS DISCOUNT: (Click the link below and then enter the code: JUNGLEHAVEN at the checkout) https://www.mother.life/en/shop/privi... → Amazon Flexy Grow Lights - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B... → Indoor Potting Mat - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B... ----------------------------- In this video I take you through the houseplants I have found the easiest to look after! All of these plants are my own opinions and based on my own experiences, so please don't let me influence your decisions - all plants are unique and beautiful, they're just not always right for everyone! LET ME KNOW what your plants that you have found to be really easy down in the comments below! ----------------------------- 💚 CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA 💚 Instagram: @TheJungleHaven TikTok: TheJungleHaven Facebook Houseplant Community:   / thehouseplantcommunity   ----------------------------- #EasyPlants #EasiestHouseplants #Houseplants Some of the links included are affiliate links, meaning that if you buy a product I will receive a small amount of profit :) x