Top 10 Best Beginner and Starting Guns and Weapons to Farm or Get in Borderlands 2 #PumaCounts
Link to my Twitter: / vinylicpuma What's going on guys? This is VinylicPuma, back with another Borderlands 2 countdown video and today, I'd like to go over 10 Guns and Weapons that are really good to acquire if you're just starting out the game! All of these can be acquired fairly easily and if you're looking forward to Borderlands 3... cough ... I mean, if you're looking forward to the new Mask of Mayhem game that's about to come out and you want to go back and do a playthrough of Borderlands 2, I think you'll find these are some great weapons to get your hands on. As always, if you enjoyed this video, be sure to leave a like and let me know what you think!