5-26-24 Connecting with God [Trinity Sunday]
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Wade Cox Scripture: Matthew 28: 16-20, "The Commissioning of the Disciples"
5-26-24 - Holy Trinity and Human Complexity
Worship Service 5/26/24
(5/26/24) Why the Trinity Matters
Holy Trinity Sunday 5/26/24
Sermon: The Holy Trinity: A Mystery, 5/26/24
5-26-24 Connecting with God [Trinity Sunday]
5/26/24 Trinity Sunday
5-26-24 Sermon - "Get A Life" by Pastor Mark (John 3:1-17) (Trinity Sunday)
First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday (5-26-24)
5 26 24 sermon
The Second ofter Petecost Trinity (5/26/24)
Trinity Sunday 5/26/24
5/26/24 Trinity Reformed UCC Worship Service
Trinity Sunday
"The Trinity" - 5/26/24
Trinity Sunday Worship- 5.26.24
Homily for the Mass Sunday The Most Holy Trinity 5 26 24 Cycle B
Sunday Worship - 5/26/24
Worship on Trinity Sunday 5/26/24
Sunday Worship 5-26-24