Normal Saline/0.9 Saline/0.9% NS/Normal Saline uses in Hindi

Normal Saline/0.9 Saline/0.9% NS/Normal Saline uses in Hindi

Normal Saline/0.9 Saline/0.9% NS/Normal Saline uses in Hindi In this video I have explained the composition and uses of normal(0.9%)Saline. And also I have explained why it should be used cautiously in hypertensive patients and in children and elderly persons. If you have any questions ask me in comment box. Link of my video on 5%dextrose solution    • Dextrose 5 injection/5 dextrose uses/...   #saline #ivfluids #nursing #mbbs #bams #bhms #ayush #nursingstudent #mbbsstudent #bamsstudents #bhmsstudent#doctor