Best Tips to Fix FaceTime Reaction Effects Not Working in iOS 18 on iPhone and iPad

Best Tips to Fix FaceTime Reaction Effects Not Working in iOS 18 on iPhone and iPad

Can't trigger FaceTime gesture effects? Check out these best tips to fix FaceTime gesture effects not working in iOS 18/iPadOS 18 on iPhone and iPad. For more info; #ios18 #iphone #ios18beta #iostips #applenews #apple #iosapp #iostips #iphoneapps #ios18feature #treandingvideo #tech #tutorial #ipad #ipados18 #feed #iphonetips #smartphone #iphonetipsandtricks #iphoneapps #appleipad #treandingnews #iosupdates #iosupdate #iosbetanews #iosbeta #software #ios #ipadpro #ipadair