How to Enable/Disable FaceTime Reaction Effects in iOS 18/17 on iPhone & iPad

How to Enable/Disable FaceTime Reaction Effects in iOS 18/17 on iPhone & iPad

In this hands-on guide, I'm going to show you how to enable/disable FaceTime reaction effects in iOS 18/17 and iPadOS 18/17 on iPhone and iPad. Watch this video to learn how it's done: #ios18 #iphone #ios18beta #iostips #applenews #apple #iosapp #iostips #iphoneapps #ios18feature #treandingvideo #tech #tutorial #ipad #ipados18 #feed #iphonetips #smartphone #iphonetipsandtricks #iphoneapps #appleipad #treandingnews #iosupdates #iosupdate #iosbetanews #iosbeta #software #ios #ipadpro #ipadair #facetime #effects