Advanced Posture Flow Yoga Class - Five Parks Yoga
This “advanced posture” flow yoga class is perfect for you if you love vinyasa classes but want challenge poses sprinkled throughout. These postures are included as a part of the flow and are not necessarily built up to or taught step by step. So, I would recommend this class to you if you are comfortable with arm balances and inversions, or if you are ready to take your practice to a new level and spice up your yoga flow practice. Postures and variations of interest include binds, standing and arm balances and inversions. This yoga class is part one of two, (coming soon). Some of the yoga postures included are: Bhujapidasana (shoulder pressing pose) Compass Pose Astavakrasana (eight angle pose) Standing straddle press to headstand Eka Pada Koundinyasana II Ardha Chandra Chapasana (sugar cane pose) Bird of Paradise Side plank with big toe bind Crow/crow jump back Have fun & let me know what you think in the comments! 😍 Want to help support Five Parks Yoga to create even more classes? Your small contribution makes a HUGE difference to us and matters a ton. Consider becoming a supporter at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/support/ 👕 Have you seen our newest merch? Yoga mats, tanks, t-shirts and so much more! New designs are released all the time, so be sure to check it all out! https://five-parks-yoga.creator-sprin... ✈ 🏝 Want to join Erin and her team on a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica?? We host multiple retreats per year and we'd love to have you join us! Learn More: http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ 📅 How about 30 days of yoga? Join one of our Free 30 Day Yoga Challenges and we'll send you a new class every day for a month! Sign up for free at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/challenges/ 🌴 Did you know you can rent Casa Colorado where we film all of our classes for the perfect tropical family vacation? Exclusive discounts for Five Parks Yoga subscribers at https://fiveparksyoga.com/casacolorado/ #yoga #homeyoga #yogaretreats Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson Location: Tamarindo, Costa Rica Venue: Casa Colorado http://CasaColoradoCR.com Visit us Online: http://FiveParksYoga.com Follow us on Facebook: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on Instagram: / fiveparksyoga Sign Up for news about Erin's upcoming Yoga Retreats! http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ Do you have a class request for Erin? Let her know! http://fiveparksyoga.com/classrequest/ Want to know Erin's favorite Yoga Mat? Favorite Yoga Pants? http://fiveparksyoga.com/reviews/ Produced by Tamarindo Films: http://tamarindofilms.com/