Let's Speak Korean S4Ep007 못 먹어요 I can't eat this.
못 먹어요 I can't eat this 이건 뭐예요? What is this? 배불러요 I'm full
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep007 못 먹어요 I can't eat this.
Let's Speak Korean 4(Ep.7) I can't eat this - 못 먹어요
Let's Speak Korean 1(Ep.15) I can't eat beef - 저는 고기를 못 먹어요
Let's Speak Korean S3Ep024 저는 고기 안 먹어요. / I don't eat meat.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep070 입이 심심하네 My mouth is bored.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep002 하나밖에 Only one.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep100 안 보이네. I can't see it well.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep008 빌려줘 Can you lend me?
Let's Speak Korean S1997Ep55 먹어봐도 될까요
Let's Speak Korean S3Ep016 점심 먹었어요? / Have you had lunch?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep017 혼자 할 수 있어. I can do it by myself.
Let's Speak Korean 4(Ep.76) I'm terribly sick - 하도 몸이 안 좋아서
Let's Speak Korean 1(Ep.109) These days I eat and eat and still don't get full - 먹어도 먹어도 배가 고파
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep096 무슨 좋은 방법이 없을까? Isn't there a good solution?