Let's Speak Korean S4Ep017 혼자 할 수 있어. I can do it by myself.
혼자 할 수 있어 I can do it by myself 괜찮아 I'm fine 걱정하지 마 Don't worry
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep017 혼자 할 수 있어. I can do it by myself.
Let's Speak Korean S3Ep037 집에 혼자 갈 수 있어요? / Can you go home by yourself?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep012 정말 너무 해요. You can't do this to us!
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep020 혼자 있고 싶어. I want to be alone.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep018 할 말 있어. I have something to tell you.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep007 못 먹어요 I can't eat this.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep008 빌려줘 Can you lend me?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep021 화를 내다 Getting mad at me?
Let's Speak Korean S3Ep017 뭐 먹을까요? / What should we eat?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep015 나보다 더 예뻐? Is she prettier than me?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep019 멋있네요. You look great.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep010 강아지 키우자 Let's get a dog!
Let's Speak Korean S1Ep015 저는 고기를 못 먹어요 I can't eat beef.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep003 그거 좋은 생각인데요. That's a good idea!
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep016 어떤 여자 좋아해? What kind of girl do you like?
Let's Speak Korean S2Ep120 오해할 뻔했네. I almost misunderstood.