Does Weight Training Stunt Your Growth?
Is there any scientific truth to the idea that weight training stunts growth? Is weight training safe for teens? Subscribe here: ‣ http://bit.ly/subjeffnippard ------------------------------- ▹ CHECK OUT MY TRAINING PROGRAMS → http://www.strcng.com/programs ▹ WATCH ANOTHER MYTH BUST MONDAY VIDEO → • High Protein Diets Cause Bone Loss an... ------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ▹ INSTAGRAM ‣ / jeffnippard SNAPCHAT ‣ / jeffnippard FACEBOOK ‣ / jeffnippard TWITTER ‣ / jeffnippard PODCAST ‣ IceCream4PRs on iTunes ------------------------------- IN THIS VIDEO ▹ Scientific References: ‣ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... ‣ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1... ‣ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... Other Suggested Reading and Resources: ‣ https://www.girlswhopowerlift.com/blo... ‣ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... ------------------------------- GET MASS (Research Review): ‣ http://bit.ly/jeffMASS ------------------------------- MY SUPPLEMENTS ‣ https://www.PEScience.com ‣ Use discount code JEFF to save 30% RISE Clothing ‣ https://www.rise.ca ‣ Use discount code JEFF10 to save 10% MUSIC ‣ Ryan Little - Daqy 28 ‣ / ther4c2010 ------------------------------- This video was edited by Rashaun R using Final Cut Pro X ‣ / rashaun_r ------------------------------- I'm 5'5, 174 lbs